I have debated long and hard over what to write here. Toyed with and discarded several of what I am sure were brilliant concepts for my first Blog post for a variety of reasons. These reasons run the gamut from entirely reasonable and bug fuck insane. So in the end we’re just going to go with this.
Today I got a cat.
Wait! Before you run off to what I am sure is some much saner part of the internet please know that this is not going to be yet another cat lady blog about how miss Kitty is just so adorable and watch as she plays the piano and stuff. (Cats play the piano right? That is something they do, I think. Along with lurking in ceilings re writing the bible and eating chez burgers.) Other people pretty much have that market covered and probably do a much better job of it that I ever could. So no, this will not be a cat themed blog but the cat thing is significant and important. Or at least significant and important in No Filter Ever context sort of way, along with Misha Collins, Show Tunes and Bacon.
See thing is, I have never had a cat before. Not a one. Generally if I had to qualify myself as something or another it would be as a full on, hard core, Dog person. And yes that is a capitol D cause I think dogs are just that awesome. So to wake up one day and to now suddenly find myself sharing my life with a cat is kinda new experience. Which is sort of the point of this journal, blog, word vomit, experiment. I am going to try new things and then bitch endlessly about it to a cold heartless universe who does not care. Or you know, whoever might actually read this. So you know serial killers and Brit. (Hi Brit!). I am not fond of the new things as a general rule so along with the bitching there may even be a bit of personal growth on my part as I attempt to push past my boundaries and see what the world holds. Try not to hold is against me.
Anyway one long, confusing and slightly point less mission statement later here we stand. I don’t think I’m going to post frequently since I am both lazy and hate change but when I do summon the Herculean strength it’s going to take for me to get off the couch, turn off whatever is currently playing on the WB and do something new? You guys (and by You guys I mean Brit and the assorted serial killers) will be the first to hear me whine and complain about it at length.
Wish me luck.
No Filter Ever (Cause my ass is way to cheap to get one installed)
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